Compliance Tips

The Crucial Difference Between Security And Compliance For Healthcare

While there is a common misconception that compliance and security are the same thing, they are not necessarily interchangeable. This is particularly true with regard to the healthcare industry.  Of course, when it comes to keeping your company and your patients safe, security and compliance objectives are necessary.  Key Differences Exist It’s important to note […]


The Differences Between HIPAA Vs SOC 2 For Healthcare

No matter what kind of healthcare organization you operate, compliance is a top priority. However, different regulatory frameworks or organizations require unique approaches. In any case, having the right HIPAA compliance consulting on your side is incredibly useful. But, you may be wondering what the difference between SOC 2 vs HIPAA is. Let’s explore the […]


The Difference Between Risk Management And Compliance

Leaders of healthcare organizations must focus on compliance and risk management in order to ensure minimal data breaches, financial consequences, or reputational loss. However, risk management and compliance have a few distinctions despite being very similar. While they can help improve the security and integrity of your operations, they have unique definitions that we’ll explore […]


Healthcare Security Incident Types

In healthcare, identifying, handling, and then avoiding repeat incidents is one of the most important tasks of any manager or stakeholder. It’s important for maintaining compliance, protecting your patients, and running a better organization. That being said, in this blog post, let’s talk about different types of security incident types that you may experience. That […]


The Components Of A Risk Management Plan You Must Know

Every healthcare organization must address risk. Some risks will be natural parts of evolving your organization, others are simply inherent parts of the healthcare field. Since there is no such thing as completely eliminating risk from healthcare, the best you can do is mitigate, assess it, manage it, and address it in real time. That […]


The Primary Advantages Of Incident Reporting In Healthcare

In healthcare, the benefits of incident reporting cannot be overstated. It allows you to enhance patient care, health outcomes, and compliance management. Incident reporting and management mitigate risk, clarify action plans and foster clear communication. There are several advantages to reporting incidents in a timely and efficient manner. Let’s explore the primary ones in the […]


How Often Should A Risk Assessment Be Performed?

Consistent HIPAA security risk assessments are essential to maintaining compliance for your healthcare organization. It allows you to understand where protected health information (PHI) may be at risk. HIPAA does require periodic risk assessments at least once per year. In addition to this, you must also have controls and governments in place to mitigate risks […]


How to Improve Cyber Security for Healthcare

Technology and healthcare are now intricately connected. Technology has helped healthcare operators diagnose diseases in more detail and with more automation. It also helps you run your healthcare organization using information technology.  However, opportunities also come with risks. In terms of the healthcare industry, cybersecurity threats, unauthorized system access and data corruption run rampant. It’s […]


ISO Vs. NIST: Similarities and Differences

Businesses must have frameworks and benchmarks to align their work with. This is especially true when it comes to digital security.  There are two important guidelines toward this aim: the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) cybersecurity framework (CSF) and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) CSF.  But what are these two frameworks, and […]


Why Is Third Party Risk Management Important For Healthcare Compliance?

Working with third party vendors to provide services is nothing new. Yet a focus on vendor risk management has recently emerged. This is partially due to compliance, cybersecurity, and productivity. But in this post, we’ll answer the question, “Why is vendor risk management important?” And we’ll share some powerful ways to manage your third-party risk, […]