Virtual CISO Services

As your security and compliance partner, our tailorable virtual CISO services can fill common gaps in staffing or expertise for large healthcare organizations, individual, or group providers. We are available for any size or scope.

Limited time? Understaffed?

Does your organization have a dedicated CISO?

To meet security requirements, you may have a designated a security official who is responsible for managing security policies and procedures. But is it enough?

Your top priority is to protect your organization, and patients, against breaches that could cause monetary and reputational harm. But with limited time and expert resources, you need more.

Digital Security With Encrypted Locks On Devices

What A Virtual CISO Can Do For You Today

Businessman Holding Virtual Security Locks

How Does it Work?

Complyassistant’s vCISO Services Include:

HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rule Audits

The time to prepare for an OCR audit is now, if not yesterday. We recommend that CEs and BAs conduct internal audits based on the published OCR protocols and mitigate the gaps found.

Third-Party Vendor (BA) Risk Management

Our healthcare vendor risk management can help your organization manage a high volume of BA audits with management by exception. Using our software makes it easier to manage the process on your own, or our healthcare cybersecurity consultants can perform vendor risk management services on your behalf.

Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices (HICP) Audits

The healthcare IT world has changed dramatically in recent years, with an increasing number of cyberattacks. As a result, ensuring organizations have safe cyber networks no longer falls solely on IT staff but is also the responsibility of leaders across the organization. That is where ComplyAssistant’s HICP Risk Register tool becomes an invaluable device for your toolkit.


The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is flexible for any type of healthcare organization, and focuses on 5 areas: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond and Recover.

Designed to help organizations better understand, manage, and reduce cybersecurity risks, the NIST CSF offers a common language and structure so teams throughout an organization can understand and more easily implement security protocols.

Disaster Recovery Business Continuity (DRBC) planning and table-top exercise for potential extended downtime

While there are no guarantees for preventing an attack, ComplyAssistant can help you reduce risk and be prepared to respond. Therefore, we highly recommend that the time to begin is now, before the attack.

Additional Services:

What Are The Benefits?