COVID-19 Pandemic Assessment and Response
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- Covid 19 Readiness Checklists
We are living in unprecedented times. The global pandemic of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus has changed how we all live and work. We know that healthcare providers need every tool they can get to help them prepare and stay up to date on the latest information and readiness protocols to manage our current crisis, and to be even more prepared in the future.
We stand with every single healthcare provider doing their utmost to keep our communities safe and healthy.
To that end, we now have nine industry-leading COVID-19 readiness checklists loaded in our GRC software – including those from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and the Pan American Health Organization.
These checklists are now available in ComplyAssistant’s application, heavily discounted for any healthcare provider.

Facility Access
With this unlimited access, each facility in your organization will be able to:
1) Access any individual checklist, or all nine checklists, to gather readiness data on hundreds of activities, such as development of a COVID-19 plan, facility communications, processes for consumables and durable medical equipment, identification and management of ill patients, visitor access and movement, occupational health, logistics and operations, infection prevention, information management, education and training, EMS activities, and surge capacity planning.

2) Load all documentation in a single source of truth, including evidence documents, images and other related files. All documentation is held in our secure application, giving you a permanent record of activity should you need to access it later.

3) Create and assign tasks and deadlines, to help manage areas in process or not yet started.
4) Report to executive leadership, using dashboards that present checklist progress and gaps for mitigation.

Discounted for any healthcare provider.
Even if you and your team are not able to record preparedness activities during this current crisis, it will be equally as important to document everything you did after we get through this. Use these checklists to track what you did to inform any regulatory audits or updates needed to your disaster recovery/business continuity plans in the future.
Additional support is not far away.
Let us help with the legwork. Our legal and compliance experts can assist with:
- Uploading, organizing and linking your documentation to various guidelines,
- Reviewing your pandemic policies and procedures, and recommending changes to comply with national and state guidance,
- Working with your Emergency Preparedness Team to review and update guidelines and create action plans, and
- Preparing your emergency response plan for any impending audits and for the next disaster.
Access the COVID readiness checklists today.
Our team is standing by to help in any way we can. To access the COVID readiness checklists, simply complete the form below. Our team will set up a quick conference call to gather configuration information and provide training on how to use the application.
We’ll have you up and running in no time.