Healthcare’s Cybersecurity Stakes Reach Alarming Levels

Posted by Ken Reiher

Gerry Blass, President & CEO, ComplyAssistant

In a recent Healthcare Financial Management Association article, our very own Gerry Blass gives voice to the importance of a commitment to cybersecurity.

“At a high level, hospitals and health systems continue to be challenged to budget enough dollars and people resources for the controls needed to reduce cybersecurity risks — whether it’s for information privacy and security or patient safety. But with the potential consequences of a cyberattack and the growing frequency of such attacks in healthcare, making such an investment is necessary. All this means that it’s critical for these organizations’ finance leaders to be part of regular IT meetings, as well as steering committee meetings that are focused on cybersecurity. Finance leaders need to be aware of risks and the potential costs (in terms of dollars and patient harm) of an incident such as a ransomware attack.”

Read more: Ever Evolving World of Cybersecurity Threats

Read the full Healthcare Financial Management Association article here.
