Mastering The ISO 27001 Audit

Validating your Information Security Management System (ISMS) involves an external audit. This is where an accredited auditor will review your system in detail. They’ll analyze your policies, procedures, and documentation in relation to your compliance.

This confirms that your system is functioning correctly and that you have the right processes in place to maintain best practices. Ultimately, this allows your organization to operate safer and protect patient information.

That being said, you may be wondering what to expect during an ISO 27001 audit. Let’s talk about the different steps and duration, so you can be best prepared.

Related Reading: The Importance Of Preparing For HIPAA Audits

The Duration Of The Audit Process For ISO 27001

Typically, the audit can take anywhere from a few weeks up to six months. The complexity and size of your organization can dictate how long it takes. In addition, the resources that the auditor employs and your documentation can have an effect on this.

In order to reduce the time that the audit takes, you should have proper documentation and software to maintain proof of your compliance and security protocols.

Understanding The Auditor

You’ll want an accredited Lead Auditor. This means they’re accredited in your primary country or geographical location. They should also have specialty expertise in your industry, such as healthcare.

The Initial Stage Of Review

Healthcare organizations range in size. Therefore, the length of the initial stage of review may vary. But there are shared commonalities across this first stage.

This is the first round of interviews, where they will perform a desk review of your documentation with regard to your policies and procedures. They may spend a few weeks at this stage.

After this, they may present additional questions and findings in the initial stage. You should work quickly to address any issues that they uncover.

The Final Stage: An Evidence Review

Auditors will take a look at your controls and implementation to appraise whether you are following through. This is a crucial step to becoming certified.

Implementation, evidence, and a track record will go into their determination. Eventually, you can become officially ISO 27001 certified.

A Note On Audit Frequency For ISO 27001

Typically, certification is only valid for three years. You’ll need to perform a re-audit. Of course, in the meantime, you should be taking the proper steps to protect information and keep your systems and processes working appropriately.

You should continually update your software, protocols, processes, and training.

Prepare Adequately For An ISO 27001 Audit

When it comes to an ISO audit, 27001 certification is paramount for your reputation and for reducing suspension of services. Reach out to a ComplyAssistant today.

We’ll equip you with healthcare risk management software that meets your organization’s needs without adding significant work to your staff’s daily duties. That way, you can provide better patient health outcomes, streamline your efficiency, and maintain compliance and certification.